Policy Text:
Changes in use to permit use of the land for agricultural livestock operations (which would be a significant threat within the subject IPZs) will not be permitted.
Agricultural livestock operation will not be included as a permitted use in the Official Plan designations and zoning By-law zones which apply to the vulnerable areas. Changes in use to permit use of the land agricultural livestock operation (which would be a significant threat within the subject IPZs) will not be permitted
This policy will be reflected in the Official Plans at the time of the next Official Plan five year review exercise as per Section 26(1) of the Planning Act, and in Zoning By-laws within 3 years following the Official Plan update.
The above applies to the existing (none known to exist) and future significant threat of the use of land as livestock grazing or pasturing land, an outdoor containment area or farm animal yard, in the vulnerable areas:
Windsor IPZ-1 and IPZ-2
Amherstburg IPZ -1
The date of compliance is when Source Protection Plan takes effect.