Policy Text:
In reviewing applications for Pesticides Permits under the Pesticides Act for the application of pesticides in the Windsor IPZ-1, Windsor IPZ-2, Lakeshore (Belle River) IPZ-1 and the Amherstburg IPZ-1, the Ministry of Environment shall ensure that conditions in the Permit adequately protect the sources of drinking water.
The Source Protection Committee recommends that the terms and conditions include setbacks to watercourses, timing restrictions (including consideration of weather events) and spills/runoff management and other measures necessary to manage the significant threat activity in order to protect sources of drinking water.
The above applies to the existing and future significant threat of the application of pesticide, in the vulnerable areas mentioned above.
The date of compliance for future threats is when the Source Protection Plan takes effect.
For existing threats, the Ministry of the Environment shall comply with the policy within 5 years from the date the plan takes effect, or such other date as the Director determines based on a prioritized review of Environmental Compliance Approvals that govern significant drinking water threat activities.