Policy Text:
No existing (none known to exist) and future waste disposal sites shall be permitted to be established in the Windsor IPZ-1 and Lakeshore (Belle River) IPZ-1, at which the land filling of petroleum refinery waste, hazardous, liquid industrial or processed liquid industrial waste or municipal waste, or the storage of hazardous waste or liquid industrial waste could take place.
No future waste disposal sites at which the land filling of petroleum refinery waste, hazardous, liquid industrial or processed liquid industrial waste or municipal waste, or the storage of hazardous waste or liquid industrial waste could take place in the Amherstburg IPZ-1 shall be permitted.
This policy applies to Environmental Compliance Approvals (Certificates of Approval) administered by the Ministry of Environment for this activity.
In the Amherstburg IPZ-1, the Ministry of Environment shall ensure that the existing and amended or updated Environmental Compliance Approvals (Certificates of Approval) include terms and conditions that manage the significant threat activity in order to protect sources of drinking water. For the purpose of this policy, in the Amherstburg IPZ-1, existing threat activities shall include activities related to a complete application made under the Planning Act or Condominium Act or the Building Code or for an Environmental Compliance Approval, if the application is made before the Source Protection Plan takes effect.
This policy will be reflected in the Official Plans for the City of Windsor and Town of Amherstburg at the time of the next Official Plan five year review exercise as per Section 26(1) of the Planning Act, and in Zoning By-laws within 3 years following the Official Plan update.
Sites that do not require an environmental compliance approval are exempt from this policy and are subject to Policy No. 26 policy (W1L1A1-hazardouswaste-1 (Clean Water Act)), which requires a Risk Management Plan.
The date of compliance for prohibiting existing and future threats is when the Source Protection Plan takes effect.
For managing existing threats, the Ministry of the Environment shall comply with the policy within 5 years from the date the plan takes effect, or such other date as the Director determines based on a prioritized review of Environmental Compliance Approvals that govern significant drinking water threat activities.