Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

Planning Approval Authorities shall amend their planning documents to prohibit future:

1) waste disposal sites within the meaning of Part V of the Environmental Protection Act (excluding storage of wastes described in clauses (p), (q), (r), (s), (t), or (u) of the definition of hazardous waste (O.Reg 347) and storage of hazardous or liquid industrial waste)
2c) large (more than 10, 000 L) on-site sewage systems
4) agricultural source material storage facilities
7) non-agricultural source material storage facilities
9) commercial fertilizer storage facilities
11) pesticide storage facilities
13) road salt storage facilities
14) snow storage facilities
15) fuel storage
16) DNAPL storage
17) organic solvent storage
21) outdoor confinement or farm animal yard in WHPA-A/IPZ-1

in vulnerable areas where the activity is or would be a significant drinking water threat.

Monitoring Text:

MON-1: By February 1 of each year, municipalities shall report to the local source protection authorities on the steps taken in the previous calendar year to implement these significant threat policies and recommendations, where appropriate.