Policy Edit

Policy Id:



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Threat Type



Policy Text:

The City of Windsor will initiate a research program when the Source Protection Plan takes effect. The research program will characterize combined sewer overflows in the Windsor intake protection zones (IPZs) 1s and 2s such that the program will provide input to a sewer and storm management plan. The research program will include the estimation of combined sewer overflow discharge volumes, frequencies of discharge and pollutant loading (conventional parameters including pH, biochemical oxygen demand-5 day, and suspended solids, and possibly other parameters as needed). The research program will be targeted for completion in 2014.

The above applies to the existing significant threat of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) in the vulnerable areas:
Windsor IPZ-1 and IPZ-2

Monitoring Text:

W1W2-combinedsewerbypasseffluent-5 (Monitoring Policy): The Municipality and the Essex Region Conservation Authority will document the actions taken to comply with policy W1W2-combinedsewerbypasseffluent-1 (Specify Action), W1W2-combinedsewer-2 (Govern Research), W1W2-combinedsewerstorm-3 (E&O), and W1W2-combinedsewerbypasseffluent-4 (Stewardship/Incentive).

The above applies to the existing and future significant threats of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs), sewage treatment plant bypass discharge to surface water, stormwater management and sewage treatment plant effluent discharges, in the vulnerable areas:
Windsor IPZ-1 and IPZ-2.

The date of compliance is by February 1 of each year.