Policy Text:
The City of Windsor will initiate and lead Education and Outreach when the Source Protection Plan takes effect. The Education and Outreach will educate property owners within the sewershed areas of the subject vulnerable areas where existing CSOs are significant threats, and where future stormwater management could be significant threats. The Education and Outreach will promote downspout disconnection, use of rain barrels, and will provide information on what not to dispose of down the drain and the spills action centre in case of spills, and other such initiatives that assist in educating the property owners about combined sewer overflow, as well as stormwater management. The delivery of the Education and Outreach will be targeted for completion in 2014, and will be continued as needed based on review at that time.
The above applies to the future significant threat of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) and stormwater management in the vulnerable areas:
Windsor IPZ-1 and IPZ-2