Policy Edit

Policy Id:



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Threat Type



Policy Text:

The following activities are designated for the purpose of Section 58 'Risk Management Plans' of the Clean Water Act in the Windsor IPZ-1, Windsor IPZ-2, Amherstburg IPZ-1 and Lakeshore (Belle River) IPZ-1: the existing and future application of pesticides such that:

the total pesticide application area is >1ha, chemicals of concern being MCPA and mecoprop, in an IPZ-1 of vulnerability score 9
the total pesticide application area is >10 ha, chemicals of concern being atrazine, dicamba, 2,4-D, dichloropropene-1, 3, MCPB and metalaxyl, in an IPZ-1 of vulnerability score 9
the total pesticide application area is >10 ha, chemical of concern being MCPA, in an IPZ-2 of vulnerability score 8.1.

The above circumstances apply to both land and structural extermination as defined under the Pesticides Act. The Risk Management Plan (RMP) shall require that the Pesticides Act requirements be fulfilled, and include measures necessary to protect the water such as setbacks from watercourses or drainage systems, timing restrictions (including consideration of weather events) and spills/runoff management. The RMP will also require that the Pesticide Label be followed.

The Risk Management Official will obtain documentation from the property owner to indicate that the Pesticides Act requirements and any other conditions in the RMP are followed. A form may be prescribed for this purpose. The Risk Management Official will have discretion as to what constitutes a satisfactory Risk Management Plan.

The above applies to the existing and future significant threat of the application of pesticides in the above mentioned vulnerable areas.

For future threats, the date of compliance is when the Source Protection Plan takes effect.

For existing threats, the Risk Management Official shall comply with the policy within 5 years from the date the Plan the Plan takes effect.

Monitoring Text:

W1W2L1A1applPesticide-2 (Monitoring Policy):
The MOE shall prepare and submit a report to the Source Protection Authority which summarizes the actions taken to comply with policy W1W2L1A1applPesticide-1 (Prescribed Instrument). The above applies to the existing and future significant threat of the application of pesticide in the vulnerable areas:
Windsor IPZ – 1 and IPZ-2
Lakeshore IPZ-1
Amherstburg IPZ-1

The date of compliance is by February 1 of each year.