Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

With the exception of personal domestic use, the existing handling and storage of fuel is designated for the purposes of Section 58 of the Clean Water Act, and therefore requires a risk management plan where the activity is a significant drinking water threat. The risk management plan will include appropriate terms and conditions to ensure the handling and storage of fuel ceases to be a significant drinking water threat, and at a minimum, complies with contemporary standards. The risk management plan may include such conditions as:

1) secondary containment
2) spill/leak detection (monitoring processes)
3) collision protection (bollards)

Monitoring Text:

MON-6: By February 1 of each year, risk management officials shall report annually to the local source protection authority with the information required in Section 65 of Regulation 287/07 related to the previous calendar year on the significant threat policies that designate an activity for the purpose of Section 58 risk management plans or Section 57 prohibition.